Here are some testimonials from the people who have attended or are attending to our beginners' course:

My name is Georgios Antonoglou and I have been in Oulu as an exchange student for 3,5 months since Autumn 2010. I took this beginners' karate course and I can say that it was great, Tony and the rest of the instructors are great people, friendly and relaxed. We also had the chance to hang out together and do things, sometimes more enjoyable than karate 😛 Overall it was a great experience and I would recommend it wholeheartedly.
Oνομάζομαι Γώργος Αντώνογλου και πέρασα ως φοιτητής erasmus απο το Όουλου της Φινλανδίας.Έμεινα για 3,5 μήνες το φθινόπορo του 2010.Παρακολούθησα το πρόγραμμα για τους αρχάριους και ήταν καλύτερο απο αυτό που περίμενα.Ο Τόνι και οι υπόλοιποι έιναι εξαιρετικά άτομα ,φιλικοί και χαλαροί.Επίσης κάναμε και διάφορες ‘’δραστηριότητες’’ και ουσιαστικά γίναμε παρέα ,βγαίναμε έξω για καμιά μπύρα ,μπιλιάρδο κ.λ.π.Αν καποιός θέλει να κάνει κάποιο σπορ στο Όουλου, κάτι που είναι σχεδόν απαραίτητο για να επιβιώσεις ,νομίζω οτι το κόρς αυτό είναι απο τις καλύτερες επιλογές.

My name is Christine Ebenhack and for seven months I was in Oulu as an exchange student. I attended the beginner's course and later continued to the advanced course. All of the people there were very nice and the training was a lot of fun. Attending the beginner's course is a good chance to meet other people. Apart from the training we undertook other activities, too. I can recommend the course to everybody and it is a good balance for stressful studies.
Ich heiße Christine Ebenhack und war sieben Monate als Austauschstudent in Oulu. Ich war im Beginner- und später im Fortgeschrittenenkurs. Alle waren sehr nett und das Training hat mir viel Spaß gemacht. Der Kurs war eine gute Gelegenheit, neben anderen Austauschstudenten auch Finnen kennenzulernen. Neben den Trainings haben wir auch sonst einiges unternommen. Ich kann den Kurs jedem empfehlen, er ist ein guter Ausgleich zum stressigen Studium.
My name is Estelle Dumont. I was in Oulu during 14 months for a post-doctorat and I discovered karate even if Finland is not the country of karate. The beginner’s course was very nice, hard but nice… I started at the end of January and I was motivated to face the cold because I met a lot of friendly people!!! I hope that they always follow the course with their beautiful yellow belt!!!! And thanks to Tony and Seppo for the teaching!!!
Je m’appelle Estelle Dumont. J’étais à Oulu pendant 14 mois pour un post-doctorat et j’ai découvert le karaté même si la Finlande n’est pas le pays du karaté. Le cours pour débutant était très bien, dur mais bien… J’ai commencé à la fin de janvier et j’étais motivée pour affronter le froid parce que j’ai rencontré des gens très gentils !!! J’espère qu’ils suivent toujours le cours avec leur belle ceinture jaune !!!! Et merci à Tony et Seppo pour l’entraînement !!!

Last Spring I decided for a beginners‘ course at Bushido’s. Last but not least because the Bushido Karate-school hold their courses also in English, if needed. That is of help not only to those who understand just a few words of Finnish but it guarantees a versatile group of participants. Tony, our “Sensei”, does a great job as I think. He is easy-going and flexible, yet motivates and disciplines us to continuously improve our kicks, blocks and punches. This is a fantastic course; I can only recommend it to everybody interested and skeptical!
Vergangenen Frühling habe ich mich für einen Anfängerkurs bei Bushido entschieden. Nicht zuletzt, weil die Bushido Karateschule ihre Kurse auf Wunsch auch in Englisch abhält. Das hilft nicht nur den weniger-finnisch-Verstehenden, sondern garantiert auch eine bunte und vielfältige Teilnehmergruppe. Tony, der „Sensei“, macht einen guten Job, wie ich finde. Er ist locker und flexibel, gleichzeitig motiviert und diszipliniert er uns, um immer bessere Kicks, Blocks und Punches zu lernen. Ein klasse Kurs, den ich allen Interessierten und Skeptikern wärmstens empfehlen kann!
My name is Jaakko and I am an 18-year-old high school student from Kempele. I began practicing karate early this year. I thought for a long time which sport I would like to practice and the last kick-off training date of Bushido karate school was coming closer and closer. I had found information about the school by accident when I was looking for possibilities to train martial arts in Oulu. My expectations were high but karate has lived up to them completely. This martial art is physically demanding enough and learning things has been meaningful because they have been applied to real-life self-defense situations. The atmosphere within our karate school is very relaxed and partly because of that it is pleasant to go to training sessions from a bit further away. I can only recommend karate as a sport and especially practicing at Bushido karate school.